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[复试] 华南师范大学英文翻译学方向复试回忆贴



发表于 2018-4-4 11:16:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1读一篇文章关于language 与idiolect 自己dialect
Language is the collection of dialects
The systematic language feature
How to understand---忘记啦
Why do you like translation
Functional equivalence is put forward by who
Differences of Formal equivalence  and dynamic equivalence
Translation terminology you know
How you konw this
What translation books you have read
what\'s your opinion about the translation standard
Do you know any other translation theory which is not introduce book
Do you have any translation experience
What\'s your paper about
The aim of your research

Apologise is one of those words which has effectively reversed its original meaning. Its origin, in the Greek lawcourts, was jurisprudential: it signified the speech for the defence in which the prosecution\'s case was answered point by point. It retained its original meaning until at least the 16th century. Thus Sir Thomas More, after resigning from office, drew up his \"Apologie of Syr Thomas More, Knyght; made by him, after he had geuen ouer the office of Lord Chancellor of Englande\". Today we would say vindication. Only gradually did the word acquire the connotation of excuse, withdrawal, admission of fault and plea for forbearance. It still bore its original meaning in theology: Newman\'s Apologia pro Vita Sua was not an apology at all but a vigorous rebuttal of Charles Kingsley\'s charges. Dickens\'s unfortunate statement about his reasons for splitting up with his wife, which his friends begged him not to publish, was self-destructive precisely because it was halfway between the two meanings: half defiant vindication, half admission of guilt.
2 C-E

3Based on a certain translation theory analyze which one is better ,Bigger than Bigger   中文:比更大还更大   气质更大

2 基本情况提问,住哪里,什么时候开始学法语 会做饭吗?有木有法国朋友。。。。

总结,复试不要太紧张,平常心,面试语速尽量放慢!其实老师真的挺nice 的,虽然也有小坑,

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