第一个最长,有十个选择,两个问答:what kind of article does the passage belongs to?and what is the evidence/ what are the functions of the quotations in the passage and what are the according effects the author my expect to achieve by using them
第二个阅读和第三个阅读各五个选择,一个问答does the author adopt a serious attitude towards the matter under concern?
Support your argument with lexical syntactioncal and graphical evidence from the passage/fomall/informal way
作文是关于语言学的,要写语言学对学习外语的好处 虽然自己事考翻译方向的,但是幸好论文写的是关于语言学的,好歹还知道点,混编一顿凑足500字,疯掉,就这些了,希望对想报考外语学院的朋友们有帮助