华师的真题回忆版前面已经有热心网友回忆过了,但是可能还不太完全。现在把完全版的再写一下,以回馈论坛。今年华师专业课出的题目从难度上来说不太平均,基础英语和汉语百科出得不是太难,而翻译基础这科则顺应了大流,今年的难度飚高了一大截。可能是从总分上限制一下的原因吧。 基础英语:
基础英语较之去年,题型都换了不少。去年是两篇改错题,一共三十道。专八阅读理解四篇,每篇五道选择题,还有一篇作文,讲的是中美价值观的对比。而今年的基础英语第一部分则是二十道选择题,每道选择题1.5分,总分为30分。选择题都是一些较为基础的语法知识,难度不到专业四级的水平,但是想全满也要挺细心!第二部分为四篇阅读理解,个人感觉难度上介于大六之上一点,不到专八的难度。前两篇为选择题,一共有十道题。文章虽长,但答案却不难找到。后两篇则是问答题,一共有五道题,需要考生在原文中定位好答案,然后进行归纳总结。这两篇花的时间要稍长些,个人认为最好不要直接在文中去抄答案,因为老师想考察我们的归纳概括能力,以及语言运用的能力。最后一部分就是400字的大作文,主题背景是未来高考英语取消是否有必要,发表自己的看法。这部分可按照专八的要求去写。只要言之有理,论点充分,语言优美、高级都可以获得高分。 基础英语复习建议:基础英语每年的题型都不一样,所以背题不是得高分之道。只要按照专八的基本复习要求去复习就好,题目可参考专八的模拟题或真题都行。 翻译基础:
个人认为今年这科出的有点狗血。难度上和自己之前想的方向差太远了。华师的题目一般比较偏文学类的,所以各位以后复习时可以多练习一下文学相关的翻译题目。翻译的总分是150分。英译汉是一篇短的+一篇长的,汉译英也是如此,一篇短的+一篇长的。分值是15+60+15+60=150。60分的那两篇很重要,决定了你是否单科过线或者总分上线。 第一篇:I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part ofthe time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating.I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable assolitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men thanwhen we stay in our chambers. (亨利·梭罗的一篇文章《孤独》)
第二篇:The play itself abounds in maxims andreflections beyond any other, and therefore we consider it as a proper vehiclefor conveying moral instruction. But Hamlet himself-what does he suffermeanwhile by being dragged forth as a public schoolmaster, to give lectures tothe crowd! Why, nine parts in ten of what Hamlet does, are transactions betweenhimself and his moral sense, they are the effusions of his solitary musings,which he retires to holes and corners and the most sequestered parts of thepalace to pour forth; or rather, they are the silent meditations with which hisbosom is bursting, reduced to wordsfor sake of the reader, who must else remain ignorant of what is passing there.These profound sorrows, these light-and-noise-abhorring ruminations, which thetongue scarce dares utter to deaf walls and chambers, how can they berepresented by a gesticulating actor, who comes and mouths them out before anaudience, making four hundred people his confidants at once? (选自:Charles Lamb: selected writings)